I recently added a stat counter to the site & am now able to monitor who peruses the pages of the Force Baseball Nation library & guess what? Force Baseball is slowly leaving behind the small town auspices of Pace & is creeping towards the international. We've now got hits from the likes of Austria, Canada & Spain, as well as various other states in the U.S.
Not impressed?
You should be, because this will only aid our cause in acquiring sponsorship in the future. Nows the time to begin putting together a top notch portfolio to take to businesses & look for corporate dollars to back the Force. This is going to be the only way that we're going to be in a position to achieve some of our already very lofty goals. Site traffic should proof to be a very valuable commodity to future Force backers & sponsors.
So, start getting creative folks, thinking outside the box & join Force staffers in making this organization the best thing going. We need your ideas, your support & your persistence in acquiring corporate sponsorship for this fine club. We already know that it's the best thing going, we now need your help in letting the corporate community know it & give them a chance to be apart of it in support.
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